Welcome from our chair
Our Governing Body consists of 12 governors including the Headteacher and Vicar of Cirencester Parish Church all of whom are actively involved in developing and living the Vision and Values of Powell’s School. We also greatly value the input of the Deputy head and two Assistant heads, who give their time as associate members (without voting rights).
We have collective responsibility for three key roles:
- Ensuring the vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school is clear and understood.
- Holding the School’s Leadership Team to account for the educational performance of the school and the children, and the performance management of staff; and
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent for the benefit of the children.
Our members have a broad range of knowledge, skills and and experience which helps us to debate strategies for improvement so that Powell’s pupils can learn most effectively and achieve the highest standards. The members have the independence to ask challenging questions, whilst contributing skills to lend support and advice where we can. We monitor results and other aspects of school life, such as attendance, behaviour and safeguarding. We also review School’s policies, which are available to you on this website.
At Powell’s each governor is linked to a subject and meets regularly with the subject lead and goes into school to see the teaching and learning in action. In this way a detailed understanding of what is going on and good communication with staff can develop.
We receive training to help us understand the complex workings of a school and to guide us in achieving the correct balance of “eyes on, hands off. We meet six times a year and have regular committee meetings in between time.
My role as Chair has given me an insight into just how complex a challenge it is for the staff to provide daily a welcoming and safe environment where each pupil is encouraged to learn and develop through a stimulating experience. The staff’s dedication is impressive. But the staff are never complacent and nor is the Governing Body.
Becoming a governor is a very worthwhile and rewarding way of supporting our school and being involved in its daily life and future development. If you are interested in helping in this way, I would be pleased to hear from you.
Parents are a fundamental part of the school community and the views of parents and carers are important. If you wish to contact us, please do so via Rachel Jago clerk@powells.gloucs.sch.uk
Governing Body Responsibilities 2023/24
- If you require a paper copy of any of our documents please contact the office 01285 653799