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Powell's School Church of England (VA) Primary School


Science - Subject lead Jo Elliott & Lucy Marriott

Science at Powell's

At Powell’s, we aim to develop our children’s natural curiosity of the world around us and the motivation to find the answer to the question ‘why?’ We encourage children to adopt an investigative approach and research new ideas through exciting, hands-on lessons full of discovery.

We believe in fostering a love of science from the earliest years. Our youngest children enjoy exploring our fabulous school grounds, areas of investigation within the Early Years classroom and their outside learning provision.

We challenge our children to always be seeking answers and encourage children’s independence to ask questions and draw conclusions based upon their observations. Our goal is to develop resilient learners, with a passion for science, who could go on to become the scientists of the future. In lessons, children are encouraged to identify the disciplinary skills they are using and develop their oracy skills through articulating scientific concepts clearly and precisely.

Subject leaders have carefully planned a whole school overview, outlining the progression in substantive and disciplinary science as the children build on their knowledge and skills during their time at Powells. We are thrilled to have achieved the Primary Science Quality Mark which demonstrates our commitment to excellence in science teaching and learning.


Curriculum Information for Parents

Early Years

Year 1

Year 2 and KS2

Science Whole School Overview

Science Intent

Provision for SEND in Science

Science Cultural Capital

Significant Figures in Science

Learning Outdoors

Powell's School Pond

Powell's School Primary Science Quality MarkScience clubs and STEM clubsWorking Scientifically Skills

Oracy in Science

Talk like a Scientist

Powell's Science Vocabulary

Science Roadmap - Plants, Living Things & Habitats

Science Roadmap - Animals including Humans

Science Roadmap - Everyday Materials

Science Roadmap - Forces including Sound & Electricity

Science Roadmap - Seasonal Change, Light, Earth & Space

Vision and Principles