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Powell's School Church of England (VA) Primary School

R.E - Subject lead Mrs Clare Stickney

Religious Education at Powells

Religious Education is at the heart of our school. The aim of RE at Powell’s is to promote all pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and in preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. We hope that through our Religious Education teaching we are able to nurture, stimulate and support our children and positively influence the caring capacity of our school so that they will always be sensitive to the needs of others and thus have a foundation on which to build.

Learners in Powell’s school will develop a sense of personal and cultural identity which is receptive and respectful towards others, preparing them for life as global citizens. Learners will consider life's fundamental questions and reflect their own beliefs and values in the light of what they study in R.E. Pupils will be engaged in a process of exploration and encouraged to develop and express personal responses to what they discover. Teachers will provide a variety of learning experiences and teaching styles.

At Powell’s we follow the Gloucestershire ‘Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education’ which provides content and guidance. Teachers also use the county’s ‘Understanding Christianity’ resource to develop understanding of biblical text, consider the impact of it on the daily lives of Christians, and to enable the children to make connections in their own lives.

Powell’s Approach to Religious Education

In line with all church schools, Powell’s has duty to provide accurate knowledge and understanding of religions and world views. A wide range of imaginative teaching methods and pupil groupings ensure effective RE sessions. We appreciate the positive impact that local faith communities can have on pupils’ experience in RE. Therefore, this school encourages visits to places of worship and welcomes visitors from different faith communities. We recognise it is vitally important that teachers demonstrate respectful attitudes towards all faiths, modelling the attitudes and responses we would expect from our pupils.

As identified in the Statement of Entitlement, teaching and learning in RE at Powell’s will provide:

• A challenging and robust curriculum based on an accurate theological framework.

• An assessment process which has rigour and demonstrates progression based on knowledge and understanding of core religious concepts.

• A curriculum that draws on the richness and diversity of religious experience worldwide.

• A pedagogy that instils respect for different views and interpretations; and, in which real dialogue and theological enquiry takes place.

• The opportunity for pupils to deepen their understanding of the religion and world views as lived by believers.

• RE that makes a positive contribution to SMSC development


Curriculum Information for Parents

R.E Curriculum Overview

R.E Skills Progression Map

R.E Roadmap

Oracy in R.EProvision for SEND in R.E

RE Policy