P.E - Subject lead Scott Burry, Emma Burry & Josie Harrison
PE at Powell's
PE Curriculum Intent
For all children to leave Powell’s fit and healthy and multi-skilled with a desire to continue partaking in Physical Activity either as an individual or part of a team.
By the end of their time at Powell’s, our children will:
- have experienced competition at intra and inter events.
- have experienced a range of sports, games and physical activities.
- understand what it means to be fit and healthy and how it affects their lives.
- Have fostered a lifelong love of movement and exercise.
- display the qualities of discipline, resilience, communication, teamwork, and ambition.
For all children to be given the opportunity and experience of enjoying a broad range of high-quality physical activity.
The PE curriculum at Powell’s is organised around a comprehensive curriculum plan that maps out the progression of skills from EYFS to Year 6. This ambitious plan is designed to enable all children to fulfil the EYFS and national curriculum aims as well as cover all fundamental skills appropriate for their age and development. It introduces the core skills, knowledge and vocabulary required to build on these skills.
PE lessons are planned to incorporate every child at every level of ability, our intent is to inspire all children to be ‘active rather than inactive’ and for each child to fulfil their individual potential. The children’s experience of PE will be positive and motivating whilst helping them to become physically confident and develop key life skills.
The PE curriculum at Powells is built on the three pillars of progression:
- Motor competence - Rules, Strategies and Tactics - Healthy Participation
The chosen sports, games and physical activities within the PE curriculum ensure these 3 pillars are embedded in everything we do and are designed to promote the school’s key drivers of Resilience, Ambition, Locality, Vocabulary and Diversity.
By the end of their time at Powell’s our aim is for all children to:
- Have a love of physical activity
- Be physically literate
- Enjoy life long participation in physical activity
- Be rounded citizens
Every child at Powells receives two PE lessons per week, each 1 hour long which provide children with the opportunity to develop age appropriate skills in a safe, inclusive environment without fear of failure. Our dedicated PE staff and specialist sports coaches - for dance and gymnastics - ensure all children are active during lessons and are suitably challenged to promote a healthy attitude toward learning and taking part in physical activity.
Not only are skills taught but rules, strategies and tactics (RST) are specifically planned into lessons to enable children to deeper understand sports and games. This provides children with the knowledge of how they can personally play games and find a role within those sports and games which suits them. For example, some children are happy to be a defending player rather than an attacking player so it is important to ensure children know how to fulfil that role to help themselves and their team.
EYFS - We recognise the importance of physical development in the Early Years Foundation Stage as a key area of learning. There are two strands under Physical Development: Moving and Handling and Health and Self-care
Children in the EYFS access time and space to enjoy energetic play daily through continuous provision in the outdoor learning area. This allows for development of both fine and gross motor competence. The children also access specific physical development through timetabled PE lessons - in preparation for Year 1 - which give the children the opportunity to learn and practice fundamental movement skills. They participate in activities where they can practice moving in different ways and at different speeds; balancing; rolling; throwing balls and bean bags; catching and kicking.
Those children that find specific areas of physical activity more challenging are supported through our before school club called ‘Phys-E Club’. This provides focussed 1 to 1 support for individuals and their specific need with appropriate goals set to develop their motor competence.
OAA (Outdoor Adventure Activities) allow children to experience another form of challenging physical activity away from a sporting environment. At Powell’s we utilise our Forest School area for OAA across all year groups. OAA is also taught in PE lessons in KS2 and reinforced on our many school trips and residentials.
In addition to PE in curriculum time, we also strive to provide opportunities for children to access extracurricular physical activity through a wide range of sporting and active after school clubs. For example; Running, Dance, Gymnastics, Girls Football and Multi-Sport clubs.
All pupils are given the opportunity to take part in competitive and non-competitive sports events within school and the local area. A number of sports events are held at local secondary schools and professional sporting facilities, with young leaders and specialist coaches delivering sessions. We attend numerous diverse events with as many children attending as possible. This helps to broaden the childrens’ experiences of varied sports and games and competitive environments.
Representing Powells at events gives our children the opportunity to show school values of:
- Respect - Sportsmanship, adhering to rules, respecting officials
- Perseverance - never giving up, learning from defeat
- Thankfulness - grateful for being selected for events
- Kindness - understanding others abilities and differences, empathy for other players
- Generosity - turn taking, encouraging and helping others.
This whole school approach of a well-planned PE curriculum, strong delivery of PHSE lessons, healthy eating and active lunchtimes - with sports zones and Sports Leader lead activities - supports the children’s health, wellbeing and fitness and provides the foundations for lifelong activity.
EYFS Regular observations and assessments of learning are recorded using assessment software (Tapestry) and contribute to a summative assessment ensuring children are ready for Year 1.
KS1 and KS2 Formative assessments of pupils' learning are made and assessed through observations. These assessments contribute to a summative judgement at the end of each term against the PE statements found on the curriculum plan and those assessments are recorded on Sonar.
P.E & Performing Arts at Powells
At Powell’s we encourage all children to be physically active as part of their everyday lifestyle; our aim is to make physical activity fun and enjoyable regardless of children’s physical abilities.
PE Curriculum
Every Year Group takes part in 2 hours of PE each week. We ensure our lessons have a key skill as the main lesson objective. These skills are broken down for each year group to ensure appropriate progression from Early Years up to Year 6.
A comprehensive list of the Key Skills taught can be found in the following links:
Curriculum Information for Parents
P.E Curriculum Drivers 2023/24
At Powell’s all children are given the opportunity to take part in games and competitive sports. The diary of events for 2023/2024 can be viewed on the following link:Powell's Sport Fixtures 2023/24
Sport's Day Events and Timings 2024
School Games Mark
The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Participating in this process allows us to evaluate our PE provision and assists us in developing an action plan for future progress.
Each School Games Mark application is divided into four sets of questions. They cover the following basic topics:
- Participation - how many young people at our school are being engaged in sporting activity?
- Competition - how many different sports are being played and how many competitions are being entered?
- Workforce - how many pupils are involved in leadership activities alongside taking part in competitions?
- Clubs - how many local links does our school have with clubs or establishments from the area?
Having previously been awarded Gold we are delighted to receive our Platinum School Games Mark for 2022/2023.
What is Sports Premium?
The government are providing £320million per annum of funding to allow schools to make considerable new investments into the improvement of PE provision following the 2012 Olympic Games. This funding is set aside and only available for use on sport and PE provision in school.
Details of how we intend to spend our Sports Premium can be found by clicking the links below.
Evidencing the impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium 2023/24
Evidencing the impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium 2022/23
Evidencing the impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium 2021/22
Evidencing the impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium 2020/21
PE and Sport Premium Financial Year 2020/21
PE and Sport Premium Financial Year 2019/20
Our Specialists
We are very lucky to have such a strong team of specialist PE teachers here at Powell’s. Find out a bit more about each staff member below:
Performing Arts
In the summer term we have a celebration of music and performing arts in the wonderful Cirencester Bingham Hall. This is a fantastic opportunity for our children to experience performing on a stage. We hire lighting and sound engineers who lend the occasion a truly exciting and professional feel.
Children work on a dance and gymnastics routine for one whole term, which they then perform to parents.