Christian Distinctiveness
Christian Distinctiveness
Powell’s CEVA Primary School is enormously proud of being a distinctively Christian school. The school has had a long history of holding a strong Christian Ethos, from extensive links with the local churches to singing for the previous Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams. This rich tradition is built upon every single day by the actions of the members of our school community.
Our Interpretation
What does it mean to be a Christian school? Especially when we value members of our community with other beliefs? For us, it is all about discovery. Every aspect of the world around us is part of the creation of God. Our core business is to learn about this creation, from Art to Geography. All of our learning brings us closer to understanding our world and, for us, our God. We can see God’s beauty held within the patterns of mathematics as easily as we can within an RE lesson. It may be that members of our community hold different accounts as to what is behind this creation, we all explore our world and are amazed by it.
Spirituality Statement
We promote an awareness of there being more than yourself in the world, nurturing a sense of awe and wonder.
We encourage reflection on our part in this world through asking and responding to questions of meaning and purpose.
Christian Values
Christian Values are completely embedded within the daily life of Powell’s Primary School as well as the strategic leadership. The values form themes which are explored within Collective Worship and the curriculum. However, these values do not limit what we explore. We challenge our children to consider how the stories in the bible that link to a theme can be further interpreted in such a way as to go beyond a simple one word value. The impact of this approach means that children and adults are supported to consider the correct way to behave beyond the hall where Collective Worship takes place. Children learn and form their moral beliefs. We are a school where we love our neighbour, both at home and in school and are considerate as to how our world should be respected.
Collective Worship
Collective Worship is the beating heart of our Christian Distinctiveness. It takes place every day for all children. It often explores a Christian Value, but it may also explore prayer, spirituality or a current issue. The consistent feature is that it is done through the lens of Jesus and his teaching. A large range of leaders are used regularly, from members of staff to local clergy (from a range of Churches), open the book to children themselves. This rich approach further supports children in forming their personal spirituality and beliefs.