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Powell's School Church of England (VA) Primary School

Well-Being Wonders

Meet the 2023 Powell’s Well-Being Wonders

The Well-Being Wonders meet once a term to discuss how they can improve the well-being of everyone in the Powell’s community. We have one Well-Being Wonder for each class who have nominated themselves because they would like to improve the well-being of those in their class. They each had to present their reasons behind their wish to be a Well-Being Wonder before their class voted on who they would like to represent them. This process demonstrates the importance of the British Value of Democracy.


The agreed points for focus for the Spring Term are:

  • Check that your class has a worry box.
  • Make a worry box if you don’t have one.
  • Help your teacher explain how the worry box works in a PSHE lesson.
  • Think about 1 or 2 people in your class who might need to be shown that you care – say hello, pay them a compliment or just smile.
  • Think about things that we can do to help the children at Powell’s feel wonderful.


Previous Well-Being Wonders achievements:

  • Naming our new group rooms;
  • Greeting children in their class in the morning;

Making and monitoring the class worry box;

  • Leading mindfulness sessions in their class;
  • Following a wellbeing calendar and encouraging their peers to complete the daily activities;
  • Leading sessions on the importance of sleep.


Jar of Smiles idea by Abby in Class 14

Worry box